Fraps Crack 3.5.9 build 15586 Free Download

FrapsCrack is a powerful and versatile tool for screen recording, benchmarking, and capturing high-quality screenshots. Whether you’re a gamer looking to create gameplay videos, an app developer needing to benchmark performance, or anyone wanting to capture your screen activity, Free download Fraps has you covered.

What is Download free Fraps Crack?

Fraps Crack, short for “Frames per second,” is a video capture and benchmarking utility designed primarily for games and applications. Developed by Beepa Pty Ltd, Fraps has been a go-to tool for gamers and content creators since its initial release in 1999.

The software’s main features include:

  • Screen Recording: Record your desktop or gameplay with customizable settings for resolution, frame rate, and codec.
  • Benchmarking: Measure and display the frame rate of your games and applications to analyze performance.
  • Screenshots: Capture high-quality screenshots directly from your screen.

Fraps has remained popular due to its simplicity, reliability, and comprehensive set of features tailored for capturing and analyzing real-time video and performance data.

fraps Crack

Getting Started with Full version crack Fraps Crack

To begin using Fraps Crack, you’ll need to download and install the software from our site. The installation process is straightforward, and once completed, you can launch the program to access its interface.

The Fraps interface is clean and user-friendly, with clearly labeled buttons and options. Here’s a quick overview of the main sections:

  1. Recording Controls: Buttons for starting/stopping video recording, taking screenshots, and benchmarking.
  2. Video Settings: Adjust recording settings like resolution, frame rate, codec, and hotkeys.
  3. Benchmarking Panel: Displays real-time frame rate data and other performance metrics.
  4. Overlay Editor: Customize the on-screen display (OSD) overlay that appears during recordings.

One of the first things you’ll want to do is set up your hotkeys for recording, screenshots, and benchmarking. Fraps allows you to customize these hotkeys, making it easy to start and stop actions without having to alt-tab out of your game or application.

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Recording Gameplay with Free download Fraps Crack

Recording your gameplay or screen activity with Fraps is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Configure Recording Settings: Go to the “Video Capture” section and adjust settings like resolution, frame rate, and codec. Common settings for gameplay recording include:
  2. Resolution: Match your monitor’s native resolution (e.g., 1920×1080)
  3. Frame Rate: 30 or 60 FPS (depending on your preference and system capabilities)
  4. Codec: Fraps uses its own codec, which provides excellent quality but larger file sizes.

  5. Set up the Overlay (Optional): If you want to display an on-screen overlay with performance data or a webcam feed, customize the settings in the “Overlay Editor.”

  6. Start Recording: Press your designated hotkey (default is F9) to begin recording. You’ll see a small Fraps icon in the top-left corner, indicating that recording is in progress.

  7. Record Your Activity: Now you can play your game, use your application, or simply capture your desktop activity.

  8. Stop Recording: Press the hotkey again (F9) to stop recording. Your video file will be saved in the designated Fraps folder.

Fraps records your screen activity in its proprietary “FRP” format, which can be converted to more common formats like MP4 or AVI using third-party software or video editors.

Pro Tip: To reduce input lag and improve recording performance, try running Fraps in windowed mode and lowering your in-game settings or resolution.

Benchmarking with Fraps

One of Fraps’ standout features is its benchmarking tool, which allows you to measure and analyze the performance of your games and applications. Benchmarking is particularly useful for:

  • Optimizing Game Settings: Test how different graphics settings affect your frame rate and find the perfect balance between visuals and performance.
  • Comparing Hardware: Benchmark the same game or application across different systems to see how they stack up in terms of performance.
  • Identifying Bottlenecks: Pinpoint potential hardware limitations or software issues that may be causing performance issues.

To use the Fraps benchmarking tool, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Game or Application: Start the program you want to benchmark.

  2. Start Benchmarking: Press the designated hotkey (default is F11) to start the benchmarking process.

  3. Capture Performance Data: Fraps will now display real-time frame rate data, including the minimum, maximum, and average frames per second (FPS). You can continue using the program as usual to gather performance data under different scenarios or workloads.

  4. Stop Benchmarking: Press the hotkey again (F11) to stop benchmarking.

Fraps will show you a summary of the captured performance data, including the overall frame rate statistics. You can use this information to identify areas for optimization or compare the results against other systems or hardware configurations.

Tip: For accurate benchmarking results, it’s best to run the game or application in a controlled environment, minimizing background processes or other potential sources of interference.

Taking High-Quality Screenshots

In addition to video recording and benchmarking, Fraps also provides a convenient way to capture high-quality screenshots directly from your screen. This can be useful for sharing game moments, documenting issues or bugs, or creating visual guides and tutorials.

To take a screenshot with Fraps, simply press the designated hotkey (default is F10). The screenshot will be saved in the Fraps folder as a BMP or PNG file, depending on your settings.

You can customize the screenshot settings by going to the “Screenshot” section in the Fraps interface. Here, you can adjust the file format (BMP or PNG), enable or disable image compression, and set the hotkey for capturing screenshots.

Note: While Fraps provides high-quality screenshots, it’s worth noting that modern graphics cards and operating systems often include their own built-in screenshot tools, which may offer additional features or convenience.

Fraps Alternatives and Similar Tools

While Full version crack Fraps Crack has been a longstanding favorite among gamers and content creators, several alternative screen recording and benchmarking tools have emerged over the years. Here’s a quick overview of some popular options:

  • OBS Studio: A free and open-source screen recorder and streaming software with advanced features and customization options.
  • Shadowplay (NVIDIA): NVIDIA’s built-in recording tool for capturing gameplay footage with minimal performance impact.
  • ReLive (AMD): AMD’s equivalent to Shadowplay, offering screen recording and streaming capabilities for Radeon graphics cards.
  • MSI Afterburner: A comprehensive overclocking and benchmarking utility that includes a built-in screen recorder and frame rate overlay.

While these alternatives offer their own unique features and capabilities, Fraps remains a reliable and user-friendly option, particularly for those seeking a straightforward solution for screen recording and benchmarking without extensive configuration or advanced features.

Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

To help you get the most out of Download free Fraps Crack, here are some additional tips, tricks, and solutions to common issues:

Performance Optimization Tips

  • Reduce Input Lag: Run Fraps in windowed mode or try lowering your in-game settings to minimize input lag during recording.
  • Close Unnecessary Programs: Close any unnecessary background programs or services to free up system resources and improve recording performance.
  • Monitor Hardware Usage: Use tools like Task Manager or third-party utilities to monitor your CPU, GPU, and RAM usage while recording to identify potential bottlenecks.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • “Fraps Stopped Working” Error: This error can occur due to compatibility issues or conflicts with other software. Try running Fraps in compatibility mode or updating your graphics drivers.
  • Video Corruption or Artifacts: If you encounter corrupted or distorted video files, try using a different codec or lowering the recording settings.
  • High CPU/GPU Usage: Fraps can be resource-intensive, especially when recording at high resolutions or frame rates. Adjust your settings or consider upgrading your hardware if performance is poor.

Hidden Gems and Advanced Tricks

  • FPS Overlay in Games: Enable the “FPS Overlay” option in Fraps to display an in-game overlay showing your current frame rate.
  • Record Audio Separately: Use third-party audio recording software to capture game audio or commentary separately, allowing for cleaner editing and mixing.
  • Create Time-Lapse Videos: By setting a low frame rate (e.g., 1 FPS), you can use Fraps to create time-lapse videos of long processes or events.
  • Hotkey Customization: Customize and remap all Fraps hotkeys to your preference for a more efficient workflow.
fraps Crack


Fraps Crack is a powerful and versatile tool that has become an essential utility for gamers, content creators, and anyone needing to record their screen activity or analyze performance. With its comprehensive set of features, including screen recording, benchmarking, and screenshot capture, Full version crack Fraps provides a reliable and user-friendly solution for capturing and analyzing real-time video and performance data.

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